Capital Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Empowering Chinese American Businesses


Become a Member


The Capital Chinese Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to empowering Chinese American businesses in the Capital region by providing resources, fostering connections, and promoting prosperity. We champion the seamless integration of Chinese American enterprises into the wider business community, aiding their journey towards success.

Tapestry of Businesses

Chinese American businesses in the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia (often referred to as the DMV area) can be characterized by several attributes due to the unique socio-economic and cultural backdrop of the region. Individual businesses have their unique stories and characteristics, and the DMV area’s diverse and cosmopolitan nature means that Chinese American businesses in this Capital region have a blend of influences that make them distinct from those in other parts of the country.

Diverse Business Types

From restaurants and grocery stores to high-tech and bio-tech startups and professional services like real estate or legal or accounting firms, Chinese American businesses in the DMV span a wide range of industries.

Strong Business Networks

Chinese American business owners in the DMV area often have well-established networks, including formal ones like the Capital Chinese Chamber of Commerce, that support new entrepreneurs and facilitate partnerships.

Contribution to Local Economy

Chinese American businesses contribute significantly to the local economy, providing jobs, providing jobs, paying local taxes, and bringing in revenue.

Connection to International Markets

Some businesses serve as a bridge between the DMV area and markets in China or other parts of Asia and the world, importing goods, facilitating trade, and offering specialized services to international clients.

Community Engagement

Chinese American businesses play a pivotal role in community events, sponsoring and participating in local festivals, cultural events, and fundraisers. They play a role in preserving and sharing Chinese culture.

Educational and Professional Ties

The DMV area is home to many renowned educational institutions. Some Chinese American businesses emerge from these academic networks, and alumni ties play a crucial role in business connections.


To be the leading catalyst for the growth, prosperity, and global competitiveness of Chinese American businesses in the capital region, weaving a fabric of strong business relations and promoting mutual understanding and respect between Chinese American enterprises and the wider community.


The Capital Chinese Chamber of Commerce works to offer our members valuable avenues for business expansion and relationship-building.

There are many ways you can participate as a member.

The level of engagement a business has with the Chamber directly correlates with the scope for its growth and prosperity.

Get Involved

Take advantage of the opportunities to promote your business, make new contacts, and learn about programs for business growth.

Join the Leadership Team

Join a committee or head a task force and play a pivotal role in molding the Chamber’s direction. There are openings within our diverse committees.


Explore our event sponsorships to boost your brand visibility and showcase your products and services. Connect with a targeted audience.

Newly established in 2023

Board of Directors

The Chamber is governed by a Board of Directors composed of distinguished business leaders. The Chairmain of the Board is Joseph Shao, who decides on the Chamber’s policies and objectives along with Eiling Chao, George Cheung, Michael Haung, Vera Wu, and Tony Yeh.



The President and CEO is Patricia Shao. In the spring of 2023, the Board conducted an extensive search over a six-month period with a rigorous and thorough criteria of selection. Significant consideration was given to the skills, experience, and expertise needed to successfully guide the previous Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Greater Washington (CCCC-GW). In her new leadership role, Ms. Shao established a new Chamber, the Capital Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CCCC) and set important milestones to reach; establishing relationships and partnerships with members and organizations to mutually benefit all.


Committees and Task Force

We need your skills and energy! Join us and make this a vibrant Chamber. Our Committees and Task Force needs your leadership.

Reach Us

Capital Chinese Chamber of Commerce

7115 Leesburg Pike, Suite 318
Falls Church, VA 22043 USA

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